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How to play:
There are 16 words in the Blunderwall, one of which is the secret word.
Find the secret word within 4 tries.
Tap a word to make a guess.
If a guess is wrong: you'll see a score out of 7.
This score tells you how many letters of your guess are in the correct place within the secret word.
E.g: If the secret word is SPEAKER -
If you chose PACKERS this would have a score of 0/7 as none of the letters are in the correct place.
If you then chose BREAKER this would have a score of 5/7 as five letters are in the correct place.
There's a new Blunderwall every day, an archive of all the past games, AND an emoji mode in the settings.
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Version 0.1
Welcome to Blunderwall!
- This game is in BETA mode, this means it's not fully finished but you should be able to play it.
- If you notice any bugs or have any feedback, please use the "Leave Feedback" button on the stat screen.
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Beat the Blunderwall in 4 attempts!