👋 Hello there, I'm Thomas.

By day I work as a freelance motion designer, or sometimes a voiceover artist.

This site is where I like to post other projects that don't quite fit anywhere else!


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Toppled version 1.4!

Version 1.4 brings with it quite a big change to the game! For those in a rush, here’s a quick overview:

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Toppled v1.3 - Welcome new players!

Version 1.3 of the Toppled word game brings with it some exciting updates!

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Toppled v1.2 - Better golden words!

It’s time for another Toppled update and just like before here’s a quick update list for those in a rush:

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Toppled v1.1 - An update!

It’s been nearly two weeks since I launched the daily word game Toppled into the wild and I have to say the response has been wonderful. It’s marvellous to see people from all over the world playing the little game I’ve made.

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Introducing: Toppled! A daily word wall.

I love playing word games.

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